Health and Safety Policy


The following is a statement of the organisation’s health and safety policy in accordance with section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It is the policy of EDLounge Ltd to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees working for the company and other persons who may be affected by our undertakings.

EDLounge Ltd acknowledges that the key to successful health and safety management requires an effective policy, organisation and arrangements, which reflect the commitment of the senior management.  To maintain that commitment, we will continually measure, monitor and revise where necessary, an annual plan to ensure that health and safety standards are adequately maintained.

CEO Sam Warnes will implement the company’s health and safety policy and recommend any changes to meet new circumstances.  EDLounge Ltd recognises that successful health and safety management contributes to successful business performance and will allocate adequate finance and resources to meet these needs.

The management of EDLounge Ltd looks upon the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for themselves and their employees.  It is therefore the policy of management to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property.  Also, the organisation aims to protect everyone, including visitors and members of the public, insofar as they come into contact with our activities, from any foreseeable hazard or danger.

All employees have duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and are informed of their personal responsibilities to take due care of the health and safety of omissions.  Employees are also informed that they must co-operate with the organisation in order that it can comply with the legal requirements placed upon it in the implementation of this policy.  EDLounge Ltd will ensure continued consultation with the workforce to enable all viewpoints and recommendations to be discussed at regular intervals.

The organisation will ensure a systematic approach to identifying hazards, assessing the risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing employees of the correct procedures needed to maintain a safe working environment.

We will provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe places and systems of work, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provision of adequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are given. We will regard all health and safety legislation as the minimum standard and expect management to achieve their targets without compromising health and safety.

Signed                  Date 13/07/2021

  Sam Warnes


  EDLounge LTD


Health & Safety Officer: Rebecca Warnes

Our statement of general policy in relation to Health and Safety:

Unit 6, Clock Court

Campbell Way



S25 3QD     


General Statement of Policy, Duties & Responsibilities

EDLounge Ltd recognises and accepts its health and safety duties for providing a safe and healthy working environment (as far as is reasonably practicable) for all its workers (paid or volunteer) and other visitors to its premises under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, other relevant legislation and common law duties of care.

Throughout this Statement, terms such as “staff”, “workers”, “employees”, including both paid and volunteer workers.

It is the policy of EDLounge Ltd to promote the health and safety of the committee members, volunteers, staff and all visitors to the organisation’s premises and to that intent to:

  • Take all reasonably practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all personnel on the premises
  • Provide adequate working conditions with proper facilities to safeguard the health and safety of personnel and to ensure that any work which is undertaken produces no unnecessary risk to health or safety
  • Encourage persons on the premises to co-operate with the Organisation in all safety matters, in the identification of hazards that may exist and in the reporting of any condition which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory
  • Ensure the provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe
  • Maintain safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
  • Provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable everyone to avoid hazards and contribute to their own safety and health
  • Provide specific information, instruction, training and supervision to personnel who have particular health and safety responsibilities (eg a person appointed as a Health and Safety Officer or Representative)
  • Make, as reasonably practicable, safe arrangements for protection against any risk to the health and safety of the general public or other persons that may arise for EDLounge Ltd’s activities
  • Make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of employees and of persons, not in the employment of EDLounge Ltd arising out of or in connection with EDLounge Ltd’s activities.
  • Make a specific assessment of risks in respect of new or expectant mothers and young people under the age of eighteen
  • Provide information to other employers of any risks to which those employer’s workers on EDLounge Ltd’s premises may be exposed.

This policy statement and/or the procedures for its implementation may be altered at any time by EDLounge Ltd’s Management Committee (“the Committee”).  The statement and the procedures are to be reviewed in the (autumn) of each year by the Health and Safety Sub-committee or by other persons appointed by the Committee.  A report on the review, with any other proposals for amendment to the statement of procedures, is to be made to the next following ordinary meeting of the Management Committee.

EDLounge Ltd will comply with its duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of its workers and of visitors to its premises and, in general, to:

  • Make workplaces safe and without risks to health
  • Ensure plant and machinery are safe and that safe system of work are set and followed
  • Ensure articles and substances are moved, stored and used safely
  • Give volunteers/ workers the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for their health and safety.

In particular, EDLounge Ltd will:

  • Assess the risks to the health and safety of its learners/volunteers/workers
  • Make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as necessary by this assessment
  • Record the significant findings of the risk assessment and the arrangements for health and safety measures
  • Draw up a health and safety policy statement; including the health and safety organisation and arrangements in force, and bring it to the attention of its workers
  • Appoint someone competent to assist with health and safety responsibilities
  • Set up emergency procedures
  • Provide adequate First Aid facilities
  • Make sure that the workplace satisfies health, safety and welfare requirements, eg ventilation, temperature, lighting and for sanitary, washing and rest facilities
  • Make sure that work equipment is suitable for its intended use as far as health and safety are concerned, and that it is properly maintained and used
  • Prevent or adequately control exposure to substances that may damage health
  • Take precautions against danger from flammable or explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise or radiation
  • Avoid hazardous manual handling operations and, where they cannot be avoided, reduce the risk of injury
  • Provide health surveillance as appropriate
  • Provide free any protective clothing or equipment, where risks are not adequately controlled by other means
  • Ensure that appropriate safety signs are provided and maintained
  • Report certain injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the appropriate health and safety enforcing authority.

Employees also have legal duties, and the Organisation requests non-employed (voluntary) workers also to observe these.  They include the following:

  • To take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and that of other persons who may be affected by what they do or do not do
  • To co-operate with EDLounge Ltd on health and safety
  • To use work items provided by the EDLounge Ltd correctly, including personal protective equipment, in accordance with training or instructions
  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for health, safety and welfare purposes
  • To report at the earliest opportunity injuries, accidents or dangerous occurrences at work, including those involving the public and participants in activities organised by EDLounge Ltd
  • Health and Safety law applies not only to employees in the workplace, it also applies to organisations and people who occupy or use community buildings to which members of the public have access.

On arrival, all visitors should be directed to the duty representative of the Management Committee, or a representative of the user/hirer of the building.  This person is to take responsibility for the visitor(s) and assist in their evacuation from the building during an emergency or arrange help in the event of an accident.

On arrival, all visitors, including contractors and/or their workers, must sign a record of the date and time of their arrival and, before leaving, should further record their time of departure.

Contractors working in the building should report any concerns relating to their own safety or suspected unsafe working practices to the Health & Safety Officer who will investigate and report to EDLounge Ltd.


2.1 Learner Health & Safety

EDLounge Ltd is committed to health and safety in every aspect of its activities and aims to provide a safe, healthy and supportive environment wherever learning takes place. This deals with the health, safety and welfare of all learners and applies to everyone within and connected to the organisation. It applies to EDLounge Ltd’s premises as well as those working with us as apprenticeship or placement providers.

The UK Government, Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC), NHS, Public Health England (PHE), HSE and Local Authority websites are our resource library for the Coronavirus COVID-19 health alerts and will be reviewed daily.

2.2          Promotion of Health & Safety

EDLounge Ltd will promote and monitor health and safety through:

  • The risk assessment and ongoing monitoring of its own and employers’ premises to ensure a safe, healthy and supportive learning environment.
  • Initial assessment of learners’ health, safety and welfare needs and additional support requirements.
  • An individual learning plan that includes the learner’s health and safety training needs.
  • A health and safety induction and ongoing review and assessment of learners’ understanding and awareness of key health and safety issues.
  • The recording, analysis, evaluation and publication of data regarding accidents/near misses.

2.3          Safeguarding

EDLounge Ltd is committed to ensuring that every young person or vulnerable adult who takes part in any activity provided by the organisation should be able to do so in a safe and protected environment. Safeguarding is addressed as part of the employer health and safety risk assessment process.

2.4          Learner Rights

  • A learning environment that is safe, healthy and supportive.
  • A health and safety induction.
  • Information on EDLounge Ltd’s and an employer’s health and safety policy and procedures.
  • Supervision and support for your health, safety and welfare.
  • Information and advice on risks, suitable personal protective equipment and restricted activities.
  • A health and safety learning plan and instruction on safety issues and the use of equipment.
  • Regular reviews and assessments of your knowledge and understanding of workplace health and safety issues.
  • Access to information on how to report any dangerous situations or happenings at work and what to do if you have an accident.
  • The right to refuse to carry out any activity that you feel is putting your health, safety or welfare at risk.

2.5          Learner Responsibilities

Whilst a student at EDLounge Ltd you have a duty to:

  • Co-operate with EDLounge Ltd and your employer on matters of health and safety and follow all rules and procedures related to it.
  • Follow any health and safety information, instruction and training.
  • Do not do anything that puts you or anyone else at risk.
  • Report any defects, dangerous situations, accidents or near misses.
  • Follow any prohibitions or restrictions that apply to you, wear any necessary protective equipment and clothing that you have been issued with and instructed to wear.
  • Keep your work area clean and free from hazards and not misuse or damage anything provided for the purposes of health and safety.
  • Take part in any health and safety training organised by EDLounge Ltd or your employer and follow and achieve your training plan.

You may be subject to disciplinary action for failure to adhere to this policy.

2.6          Workplace health and safety

EDLounge Ltd will visit or contact the employer/ work experience provider to explain our Health and Safety requirements and carry out a Health and Safety risk assessment of the workplace to satisfy us that the employer/placement has good Health and Safety standards. We will let them know what is expected of them whilst you are with them on your work placement.

Your employer has a duty by law, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure your workplace/work experience placement is safe and without risk to health.

In order to safeguard your health and safety, your employer/placement provider must have:

  • Employer and public liability insurance cover
  • Premises and machinery which are in safe working order
  • Safe work procedures for you to follow
  • Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision are necessary for you to perform your work safely
  • An induction programme for you regarding health and safety arrangements and highlight your responsibilities
  • A nominated supervisor (s) for you whilst you are on work experience
  • Risk assessments and all staff following the procedures outlined in them
  • A health and safety policy which they bring to your attention (if employing over 5 people)
  • A nominated health and safety person
  • Co-operation from all employees regarding health and safety practices
  • Emergency evacuation procedures i.e., fire
  • First aid facilities and reporting procedures for certain injuries to the appropriate authorities
  • Adequate welfare facilities to include toilet, washing, changing, rest area and provision of drinking water
  • Work equipment, which is suitable, safe, properly maintained and used
  • Measures in place to prevent or control exposure to substances
  • Appropriate precautions for flammable, toxic or explosive substances, electrical equipment, noise and radiation
  • Safe manual handling procedures
  • PPE (personal protective clothing) or equipment for you to use if necessary
  • Appropriate safety signs in the workplace
  • Punctuality
  • Attitude to work
  • Working with others
  • Safety Awareness
  • Working alone (independently)
  • Employability in the industry
    • Take reasonable care for your own Health and Safety and of others, who may be affected by your activities
    • Disclose certain personal information to your work placement provider, i.e. a current health/medical condition and/or prescribed medication, which could affect your ability to undertake certain work; driving licences, training certificates etc.
    • Work with your employer/work placement provider on Health & Safety matters
    • Report to your supervisor any situation, which you think is unsafe
    • Use equipment safely and correctly
    • Wear any personal protective equipment given to you
    • Do not interfere with, or misuse any equipment provided for your Health, Safety and Welfare
    • Talk to your supervisor about your work experience if you are worried about any aspects of Health & Safety
    • If you are still worried then you must tell your teacher or assessor – they will then get the necessary advice

Your supervisor will assess your performance and will look to see how well you do in these areas:

When you are at the employer's premises or on work experience or placement you must ensure that you

Further information regarding Health and Safety will be given to you during your induction.

2.7          Taking Action

If you experience or observe any breaches of health and safety policy or legislation you should take the following action:

Informal Action where you raise the issue informally and privately with the person(s) responsible for the concern.

Formal Action should be used where informal action hasn’t worked, or if the informal approach is not an option. The issue should be raised with your manager or your tutor/assessor.

Whenever a concern over health and safety is received EDLounge Ltd will:

  • take the concern seriously
  • carry out an immediate investigation into the concern
  • allocate the investigation to a person who is competent in the management of health and safety
  • give you feedback on the findings of the investigation.
    • 3.1Health and Safety Sub-committee
    • 3.2Health and Safety Rules


The organisation of Health and Safety

The Management Committee will appoint a Health and Safety Sub-committee, including representation both of themselves and of staff (both paid and volunteer):

  • To have a broad overview of Health and Safety matters
  • To keep the Organisation’s Health and Safety policy and procedures under review
  • To conduct safety tours of the premises
  • To ensure that risk assessments are carried out, including assessments regarding substances hazardous to health (COSSH Regulations)
  • To take such action as may be required to ensure that the Organisation’s responsibilities for Health and Safety are fulfilled
  • To report to the Management Committee on their performance of these responsibilities.

Contractors working in the building should report any concerns relating to their own safety or suspected unsafe working practices to the Duty representative of the Committee who will investigate and report to the Organisation.

Safety Tours

The Health and Safety Committee shall carry out 6-monthly tours and inspections of the premises and make a report to the next ordinary meeting of the Management Committee.  All necessary actions as a result of the tour shall, where reasonable and practicable, be implemented. 

All workers must exercise ordinary care to avoid accidents in their activities at work and comply with the following general rules and with any further rules which the EDLounge Ltd may publish from time to time.

Accident Forms and Book

The book must be kept in a locked drawer once completed.

Any injury suffered by a worker or visitor in the course of employment or otherwise on EDLounge Ltd’s premises, however slight, must be recorded, together with such other particulars as are required by statutory regulations, on an accident form maintained by the Organisation.

Fire Precautions

All personnel must familiarise themselves with fire escape routes and procedures and follow the directions of EDLounge Ltd in relation to fire.

Equipment and Appliances 

No equipment or appliance may be used other than as provided by or specifically authorised by or on behalf of the company and any directions for the use of such must be followed precisely.

Safety Clearways

Corridors and doorways must be kept free of obstructions and properly lit.


Defective equipment, furniture and structures must be reported as such without delay.

Hygiene and Waste Disposal

Facilities for the disposal of waste materials must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition.  Waste must be disposed of in an appropriate manner and in accordance with any special instructions relating to the material concerned.

Food Hygiene

When handling or preparing food there are specific hygiene requirements:

  • Regularly wash hands before and during food preparation and especially after using the lavatory
  • Tell your supervisor or representative of the Committee of any skin, nose, throat, or bowel problem
  • Ensure cuts or sores are covered with correct waterproof dressings
  • Keep yourself clean and wear clean clothing
  • Remember that smoking in a food room is illegal
  • Never cough or sneeze over food
  • Clean as you go.  Keep all equipment and surfaces clean
  • Prepare raw and cooked food in separate areas.  Keep perishable food covered and either refrigerated (less than 8” C) or piping hot (above 63” C)
  • Ensure waste food is disposed of properly.  Keep the lid on the rubbish bin and wash your hands after putting waste in it
  • Avoid handling food as far as possible
  • Tell your supervisor of any defects or concerns regarding the facilities – e.g. uncleanness, refrigeration malfunction, cracked food preparation surfaces.

Display Screen Equipment

EDLounge Ltd recognises its responsibility to ensure the well-being of workers who habitually use display screen equipment for a significant part of their normal work. Volunteers/Workers are advised to ensure that they take a five-minute break from the display screen equipment at least once an hour and are advised that, if they experience vision defects or another discomfort that they believe may be wholly or in part a consequence of their use of such equipment, they have the right to an eye-test at the Organisation’s expense.

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco 

Smoking within the premises and the use of Drugs (except under medical supervision) on the premises are prohibited at all times.  The use of intoxicants (alcohol) is prohibited during working hours, and no employee/volunteer may undertake his/her duties if under the influence of alcohol or drugs (except under medical supervision)


Arrangement and Procedures

The Health and Safety Officer Sam Warnes is responsible for ensuring that the safety policy is carried out and that responsibilities for safety, health and welfare are properly assigned and accepted at all levels.  His details and contact number will be displayed in reception. They will also be responsible for checking, recording and replenishing emergency and first aid supplies as well as fire extinguisher expiry dates, annual testing and extended servicing arrangements.

First Aid

  • The current First Aider(s) for the premises is/are displayed (on the Notice Board in the Reception Area).
  • First Aid Boxes are provided in the following location(s):
  • i)Reception (example)
  • ii)Kitchen (example)


  • In the event of an injury or illness, call for a member of staff or ring for an ambulance directly.  To call an ambulance – dial 999 and ask for “ambulance”
  • All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or another member of staff on duty immediately or as soon as practicable
  • All accidents must be entered on an accident form, available from the reception desk.  The procedures for “notifiable” accidents as shown in Appendix A below must be followed
  • The Health and Safety Officer will investigate incidents and accidents, writing a detailed report for the Organisation’s Management Committee to consider the actions necessary to prevent a recurrence.
    • 4.3Fire Drills and Evacuation Procedures

Fire Drills

  • All workers and volunteers must know the fire procedures, position of fire appliances and escape routes.
  • The fire alarm points, fire exits, and emergency lighting system will be tested by The Fire Officer/Health and Safety Officer during the first week of each month and entered in the logbook provided.
  • The Fire Officer will arrange for Fire Drills and Fire Prevention Checks (see Appendix C below) to be carried out at least once every three months and entered in the logbook.  In addition, these Drills will be carried out at different times and on different days, so that all users/hirers know the procedures.
  • The last person securing the premises will ensure Fire Prevention Close Down Checks are made of all parts of the premises at the end of a session (see Appendix C).
  • Persons discovering a fire should sound the nearest alarm
  • The first duty of all workers is to evacuate all people from the building by the nearest exit immediately after the fire is discovered
  • All persons must evacuate the building and, where possible without personal risk, leave all doors and windows closed
  • The assembly point for the building is outside at 5a King St, Leeds LS1 2HH
  • No one should leave the assembly point without the permission of a member of staff
  • If any fire occurs, however minor, the Fire Brigade must be called immediately by dialling 999 and asking for “Fire”
  • When the Fire Brigade arrives advise whether all persons are accounted for and the location of the fire.
  • If you receive a warning, try to find out from the caller:
  • Notify the Police immediately on 999
  • DO NOT SOUND THE FIRE ALARM but evacuate the building taking into consideration any information from the bomb warning
  • Assemble outside the building at King Street unless the bomb warning implies otherwise.
  • i)The approximate location of the bomb and likely time of detonation
  • ii)Whether the police and fire brigade have been notified
  • All portable machinery must be switched off and unplugged when not in use
  • Wandering cables are a hazard; use with caution and safety in mind
  • Slippery floors and dangerous; use warning signs
  • Use protective clothing and equipment provided and as instructed on machinery/equipment/material.  It is the duty of a worker to report any loss of or defect in protective clothing or equipment.
  • All thoroughfares, exits and gates must be left clear at all times
  • Corridors and fire exits must not be blocked by furniture or equipment
  • Vehicles must not be parked near the building so as to cause any obstruction or hazard
  • Hazards or suspected hazards or other health and safety matters should be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or the staff member on duty immediately or as soon as practicable, so that action can be taken.  If the hazard is of a serious nature, immediate action must be taken to protect or clear the area to prevent injury to staff or other users.

5. Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

There are legal duties on manufacturers and suppliers covering the initial integrity (safety) of new electrical appliances. There are general duties on EDLounge Ltd, as an employer, covering the use and maintenance of its appliances, designed to ensure that they remain in a safe condition.

The particular legal duties relating to the use and maintenance of electrical appliances are contained in the Electricity at Work Regulations (1989). These apply to all work activities and place requirements on both employers and employees (duty holders), in order to control risks that can arise from the use of electricity. The Regulations require certain safety objectives to be achieved but do not prescribe the measures to be taken. This allows the duty holder to select precautions appropriate to the risk rather than have precautions imposed which may not be relevant to particular work activity.

The best means by which to control risks in the use and maintenance of electrical appliances is to establish a system of regular Portable Appliance Testing (PAT).

The PAT test includes:

  • Preliminary visual inspection
  • Using a PAT device:
  • Earth continuity tests (for Class 1 equipment)
  • Insulation testing (which may sometimes be substituted by earth leakage measurement)
  • Functional checks.
    1. Government Funded Apprenticeships involve a three-way partnership between EDLounge Ltd, Employer and Apprentices, therefore a clear understanding of specific roles and responsibilities by each party is essential for the management of health and safety within the scheme. This procedure outlines the various responsibilities of each party and provides information and guidance for managing the health and safety of Apprentices in keeping with EDLounge Ltd’s overarching Health and Safety Policy.
    2. This procedure applies to all contracts agreed upon for Government Funded Apprenticeships.
    3. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
    4. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
    5. Health and Safety Policy
    6. For the purpose of this procedure, the following definitions apply:
    7. 5.1Training undertaken on EDLounge Ltd Premises
      • 5.1.1Where training of Apprentices is undertaken on EDLounge’s premises, the approved company procedures, relevant to the nature of tasks, activities, working environment involved with the training, will apply.
      • 5.1.2All Apprentices must be provided with information relevant to their health and safety. This will include:
        • risk assessment findings
        • fire safety arrangements
        • emergency procedures
        • how to report a health and safety concern
        • how to report an accident or incident
        • information relevant to equipment used.
        • information relevant to the working environment e.g., workshop, workplace
      • 5.2.1Where training of Apprentices is undertaken at Employer’s premises, the prime responsibility for the health and safety of the apprentice lies with the host Employer. However, EDLounge Ltd has a duty of care to take reasonable measures to ensure Apprentices are not put at undue risk when working for Employers who engage with EDLounge Ltd.
      • 5.2.2To fulfil this duty of care, EDLounge Ltd will obtain initial confirmation from prospective Employers that they understand their responsibilities to Apprentices and have a robust health and safety management system in place relevant to the Apprentices.
      • 5.2.3EDLounge Ltd will further carry out periodic checks of Employers to monitor their ongoing suitability for the scheme in terms of their management of health and safety and fulfilment of the responsibilities outlined in section 5.3 of this procedure.
      • 5.3.1EDLounge Ltd is responsible for:
        • engaging Employers that are competent in managing the health and safety of Apprentices and have processes in place appropriate to the level of risk.
        • liaising with the Employer to ensure that health and safety arrangements are in place appropriate for the level of risk.
        • obtaining confirmation of the Employer’s health and safety management arrangements in place
        • taking responsibility for health and safety matters that relate specifically to EDLounge Ltd premises, implementing the institutional health and safety policies and procedures relevant to Apprentices.
        • responding as appropriate to any health and safety issues raised by the Apprentice, the Employer, or a member of staff.
      • 5.3.2The Employer has the prime responsibility for the health and safety of Apprentices and must ensure all relevant legislative requirements are complied with. This includes, but is not limited to:
        • taking primary responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of Apprentices, controlling risks to safety and health appropriately
        • having a written Health and Safety Policy in place (where employing 5 or more) that sets out a clear commitment to managing the health and safety of Apprentices.
        • having procedures for carrying out risk assessments, bringing the assessment findings to the attention of Apprentices
        • having a clear process for reporting accidents and health and safety concerns
        • ensuring Apprentices receive adequate support and guidance to create a productive and positive experience.
        • providing appropriate health and safety induction and ensuring that instruction, site familiarisation, personal protective equipment, training and supervisory arrangements are fit for purpose (to include fire precautions; emergency evacuations and first-aid arrangements; how to report accidents, incidents and unsafe conditions)
        • providing a safe working environment and non-discriminatory treatment
        • cooperate with EDLounge Ltd as far as is necessary when following up on identified health and safety issues.
        • informing EDLounge Ltd of any incidents involving Company staff or Apprentices
        • ensuring insurance is in place to cover liability for any injuries, ill health or property damage sustained that is attributable to the activities of the apprenticeship provision.
      • 5.3.3Apprentices are responsible for:
        • taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others
        • co-operating with the Employer and Company on matters of health and safety
        • not bringing EDLounge Ltd or the Employer’s reputation into disrepute and actively work to promote a good reputation for EDLounge Ltd, the Employer, the Apprenticeship programme and  fellow Apprentices
        • abiding by the rules and regulations of the Employer
        • informing the Employer and EDLounge Ltd of any personal factors or changes to personal factors (e.g., health, disability, linguistic or cultural) that may affect the level of risk attached to the apprenticeship or may require reasonable adjustments to be made.
        • reporting to the Employer and EDLounge Ltd any incidents or issues that occur or any concerns regarding health and safety.
        • confirming that any personal vehicle insurance covers travel to/from work and business use if travel to other locations is required.
      • 5.3.4The nature of the three-way partnership between EDLounge Ltd, the Apprentice and the Employer places a responsibility on each party to:
        • be partners in planning and management.
        • clearly understand the responsibilities and expectations of each party involved.
        • collaborate to ensure opportunities are inclusive, safe and supported.
        • engage in structured opportunities for learning and development.
        • establish sustainable relationships and networks.
        • record outcomes and evaluate feedback to enable continuous enhancement.
    8. 6.1Employers Declaration
      • 6.1.1The Engagement of Employers Health and Safety Questionnaire, shown at the end of this procedure, is to be used for obtaining initial information on the Employer’s arrangements for managing the health and safety of Apprentices. All Employers being considered must complete this Questionnaire and agree to forward evidence of the health and safety arrangements in place on request.
      • 6.1.2Each Questionnaire is valid for the duration of the contract. However, where a contract exceeds one year, confirmation must be obtained from the Employer on an annual basis that appropriate insurance and health, and safety management systems remain in place. This includes forwarding current insurance documentation, together with a newly completed Questionnaire, or written confirmation that the information provided in the original Questionnaire remains valid.
      • 6.1.3Before prospective Employers can be engaged, they must satisfactorily complete the Engagement of Employers Questionnaire to indicate they are able to meet the health and safety responsibilities outlined in 5.3.2.
      • 6.2.1Staff receiving completed questionnaires must use the information provided to gauge the suitability of the employer. Where further clarification is felt appropriate, a request for supporting documentation must be made to provide evidence that the processes indicated are in place.  Examples include:
        • copies of risk assessment relevant to the activities of the Apprentice
        • copies of written procedures
        • copies of induction/training information
      • 6.2.2Background checks for enforcement action by the Health and Safety Executive can be undertaken through the following links:
      • 6.2.3In deciding on the initial or ongoing suitability of the employer, the following must be taken into account:
        • answers provided in the Engagement of Employers Questionnaire
        • appropriateness of any supporting documentation provided or requested.
        • promptness of return of questionnaire/request for supporting documentation.
        • previous knowledge of or dealings with the employer
        • feedback from Apprentices working/having worked at the employers’ premises.
        • staff visits to the employers’ premises.
      • 6.2.4Having taken the above into account employers may be:
        • Approved – the employer is deemed suitable.
        • Approved with an action plan – the employer is deemed suitable with improvements agreed e.g.
          • alterations to documentation to clarify applicability to Apprentices.
          • other actions relevant to the Apprentices tasks/activities, equipment used, working environment.
        • Rejected – the employer cannot demonstrate appropriate management of the health and safety of Apprentices.
      • 6.2.5Further advice and guidance can be provided by EDLounge Ltd’s Health and Safety  Officer Rebecca Warnes.

Visual inspection can be carried out by all users of a portable appliance, ideally each time the appliance is used. However electrical testing with a PAT device must only be performed by a person who is competent in the safe use of the test equipment and who knows how to interpret the test results obtained. This person must be capable of inspecting the equipment and, where necessary, dismantling it to check the cable connections. At EDLounge Ltd, this is the responsibility of the Health & Safety Officer Sam Warnes, who will also undertake all checking and record keeping.

6. Audit and Review

Audit and review processes cover all aspects of the health and safety management system. Performance targets and measures will be analysed at least annually.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or following changes to Government updates and statutory guidance in relation to Covid-19 and company risk assessment policies and processes.


Apprentice health & safety Procedure

1.       Introduction

2.       Scope

3.       References

4.       Definitions


Any person taking part in Government Funded Apprenticeships


Any person or organisation engaged with EDLounge Ltd as part of Government Funded Apprenticeships


An occurrence involving an accident, assault, near miss or case of occupational ill-health arising out of, or in connection with, the work activities or working environment


An undesired event, or sequence of events, resulting in personal injury, property damage or other loss

Near Miss

An occurrence that did not result in personal injury or damage, but which potentially could have had a much more serious outcome

Occupational Ill Health

A prescribed occupational disease known or believed to be caused by the work activities or working environment


An act of non-consensual aggression which can be either physical or verbal

5.       Procedure




6.2     Approval of Employers

7.       Audit and Review

Audit and review processes cover all aspects of the health and safety management system. Performance targets and measures will be analysed at least annually. This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or following changes to Government updates and statutory guidance, including Covid-19 and company risk assessment policies and processes.