part of EDLounge Group.
part of EDLounge Group.
When assigning any cohort or learner a qualification, our platform allows a training provider and tutors to set deadlines. These deadlines come in the form of milestones and touchpoints. Milestones are set per unit, which gives a learner a clear point by which a particular unit must be finished. This can be broken down into touchpoints. Touchpoints are more specific, in the way that they can be set per learning objective. This sets out very exact targets for a learner to hit.
Both types of deadline, link to the overall aim of finishing the qualification, but in a way which is very structured and organised for both learner and provider. Learners have access to a weekly planner, which breaks down both milestones and touchpoints per week. The weekly planner is trackable and visual within a providers own unique platform, allowing easy monitoring of each learner under the provider’s wing.