Flexible Learning Fund

In the Spring 2017 Budget, the Government committed to exploring ambitious new approaches to encouraging lifelong learning and created the Flexible Learning Fund. £40M was allocated for pilots aimed at helping adults progress in employment or enter new occupations through reskilling or upskilling. 

EDLounge's virtual education lounge bid (via EDQuals) was 1 of 32 Training Providers successful in its application to be part of the pilot.

The great news for EDLounge Ltd. can be seen by the announcement (March 2018) made by the Rt Hon Anne Milton, MP (Apprenticeship and Skills Minister) which can be fully viewed here.


The next stages

This fund has enabled EDLounge Ltd. to create the platform of edquals.com to work with an extensive range of training providers and key employers that recognise the importance of upskilling their workforce. 

The partners, and the courses they are looking to deliver as part of the Virtual Education Lounge (EDQuals) pilot, are:

  • Beats Learning
    • BTEC Music/Music Technology; Diploma in Care; Business Admin; Functional Skills; ESOL; Employability Skills
  • Cultural Capital
    • Various Construction courses; Plumbing; Joinery courses
  • JAG Training
    • Functional Skills; Radio; Adult Social Care; various Diplomas in the Care Sector; Business Admin; Nutrition and Health
  • Learn Plus Us
    • Teaching and Learning in Schools; Diploma in Adult Care; Diploma in Playwork; Diploma in Team Leading; Business Admin; Diploma in Customer Service; Mental Health; Counselling Skills; various other courses 
  • Successful Mums
    • Diploma in Personal Development (Business Start-up), (Back to Work); Customer Service
  • Talented Training Limited
    • Award for Working as a CCTV Operator (Public Space Surveillance) within the Private Security Industry;  Award for Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry; Customer Service; Fitness Instruction 
  • Training Skills UK
    • Diploma in Plumbing and Heating; Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures); Certificate in Fundamental Inspection, Testing and Initial Verification; Diploma in Electrical Installations (Building and Structures) 
  • Uganda Community Relief Association (UCRA)
    • Are looking to deliver the following courses: Certificate in Preparing to Work; Functional Skills


The Fund has four broad categories of interest:

  • Delivery on a more flexible or convenient timetable
  • Making online and blended learning work for adults
  • Delivery outside the classroom
  • Delivery methods that allow for caring responsibilities and returning to the labour market


Learn more about EDQuals, the coursework platform for EDLounge's Flexible Learning Fund, to improve lifelong learning for any learner.

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