part of EDLounge Group.
part of EDLounge Group.
Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of day-to-day work duties and leads toward the achievement of the apprenticeship.
This training takes place within the apprentice’s normal (contracted) working hours and within our platform it can record and track this instantly and at ease by the apprentice, tutor and employer. The off-the-job training can also be highlighted where it has taken place (including the workplace, off-site, classroom or from home via distance learning).
Apprentices can easily evidence the 20% off the job training through the eportfolio for:
The 20% off-the-job training provides the time to focus and develop the required skills, knowledge and behaviours to achieve the apprenticeship. There are lots of activities that can contribute to off-the-job training. The key thing to remember is that it must be relevant to the apprenticeship and these can all be viewed, added and tracked within the whole eportfolio for the apprenticeship to record their off the job hours and development.